Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week Two - Wikiversity and The First Tutorial

The lecture for week two reviewed the assessment tasks needed to complete the unit. While this was covered in the first lecture it was good to get another detailed review of what was required.

Additionally, the lecture discussed wikiversity and some of the resources that can be utilised. It will be necessary to create a wikiversity account and a youtube account in order to host videos, learn some wikimark up or simply use the wiki templates. Furthermore, it will be necessary at some point to use video recording equipment in order to make the five minute video required for the text book chapter. The easiest for this would be a simple webcam, most laptops and even some desktop computers should have these built into the screens. As you can see in the photo below... there is a laptop, a webcam and a cup of coffee. Additionally I would also suggest that coffee is helpful not only for completing your assessment tasks but also for completing university and managing life in general : )

I was unable to attend the lecture and the tutorial this week, but was able to listen to a live stream of the lecture, thankfully this is available!! It was for this reason that I wasn't too worried about missing the lecture, plus I have a back ground in web page design, HTML coding and other programing code so I am already quite comfortable about implementing the technology. However, after reading other students reflections on the tutorial and reading its contents it was regrettable to have not been able to make it. It appears to have been a great chance to have met other students, make small talk and of cause to share ideas and discuss our learning. On top of demonstrating how to use wikiversity it looks like it was quite a successful brain storming and over all unit discussion took place!! On that note, if people reading this would like to talk to me more about the tutorial, either in the comments or even in person! I would very much appreciate that : ) Additionally, I'm always happy to offer assistance with wikiversity if anyone is in need.

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